Top 10k strings from Froggy v2 (1983)(DJL Software)(16k)[kempston].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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12 fffffffffffffffff 8 5 " Press any key to continue": 4 Froggy 4 " 3 DD8||8DD"D8||8D" F8||8F 3 888"D8||8D" 2 yKEMPSTON JOYSTICK VERSION 2 j!Xe"Th!xe" 2 j!X`"/i!x`" 2 h"7i!8a"Ri!xa" 2 cxdXbXcXbXc 2 cjdfbfc_b_c 2 SCORE HI-SCORE FROGS00000 00000 [[[[[uuvwwxuuvwwxuuvwwxuuvwwxuuvwwxuuuuy zuuy zuuy zuuy zuuy zuuuuy zuuy zuuy zuuy zuuy zuu 2 KEYSMOVEPRESS "FIRE" BUTTON TO PLAY! 2 Instruct 2 GREATEST SCORES 2 Froggy Q 2 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2 COPYRIGHT ! 1983 BYDJL SOFTWARE 2 CONGRATULATIONSYOUR SCORE IS IN TODAY'S TOP 5:-PRESS < AND = TO SELECT INITIALS THEN PRESS "FIRE" BUTTON: 2 BONUS LIFE 2 @FF@@@@EEE@@@@@C@D@@BB@@@@FF@@@E@FF@@@@EEE@@@@@C@D@@BB@@@@FF@@@E 2 @C@@D@FF@@@EEE@@BB@@FF@D@@C@@@EE@C@@D@FF@@@EEE@@BB@@FF@D@@C@@@EE 2 ;"Stop the tape,then press any key": 2 ;"Press 'Y' or 'N'" 2 ;"============" 2 :8h=28h&Xo 2 22h23h24h27h> 2 2 ''" KEMPSTON VERSION": 2 " Press any key to continue" 2 @B@@@FF@@DDD@@@CC@@@E@@DD@@@D@F@@B@@@FF@@DDD@@@CC@@@E@@DD@@@D@F@ 2 {{{{{` {{{{{{{` {{{{` {{{` {{{{{` {{{{{{{` {{{{` {{{`IIFFFFFFIIIFFFFFFFFIIFFFFFIIFFFFIIFFFFFFIIIFFFFFFFFIIFFFFFIIFFFF {{{{` {{{{{` {{{` {{{` {{{{` {{{{{` {{{` {{{` IFFFFFIIIIFFFFFFIIIFFFFIIIFFFFIIIFFFFFIIIIFFFFFFIIIFFFFIIIFFFFII {{{` kl() {{{{` {{` {{` kl*+ {{{` {{` {{{` {{{` kl() {{{{` {{` {`IIFFFFIIHHHHIIIFFFFFIIIIFFFIIIFFFIIIHHHHIIIFFFFIIIIFFFIIIIFFFFIIIIFFFFIIHHHHIIIFFFFFIIIIFFFIIIFF {{` kl() kl*+ {{{` {{` kl() {{` {{{` kl*+ {{` {{` kl() kl*+ {{{` {{` IIIFFFIIIHHHHIIHHHHIIFFFFIIIFFFIIIHHHHIIIFFFIIIIFFFFIIHHHHIIFFFIIIIFFFIIIHHHHIIHHHHIIFFFFIIIFFFI ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? aaaa ???? aaaa ???? aaaa ???? aaaa ???? bbbb ???? bbbb ???? bbbb ???? bbbb ???? ???? ???? ???? IIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIIJJJJIIIILLLLIIIIJJJJIIIILLLLIIIIJJJJIIIILLLLIIIIJJJJIIIILLLL 2 @FF@@@B@@C@DD@@@@EE@@FFF@@@@@D@@@FF@@@B@@C@DD@@@@EE@@FFF@@@@@D@@ 2 1000 POINTS FOR 5 FROGS HOME PLUS BONUS OF 10 X SECONDS 2 @CC@@FF@@BB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CC@@FF@@BB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 1 {{{{{{{{` 1 ss 'Y' or 'N' 1 [ \ ] ^ 1 THE KEYBOARD CAN 1 SWITCH OFF 1 PLEASE NOTE 1 MANUAL AT THE START OF THAT SIDE OF THE TAPE." 1 HE INSTRUCTION MANUAL AT THE START OF THAT SIDE OF THE TAPE." 1 Froggy D 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@@FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F@F@FFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFFFFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFF@FFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFFFFFFFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFF@FFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFFFFF@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FFFFFF@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F@F@F@F@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;"START THE TAPE" 1 ;"SHAPE DEFINITION" 1 ;"SHAPE DEFINITION 2" 1 ;"POINTS TABLE": 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT": 1 ;"PLAYING TIPS": 1 ;"PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS 2" 1 ;"LOAD OTHER SIDE OF CASSETTE": 1 ;"KEMPSTON JOYSTICK VERSION": 1 ;"IMPORTANT NOTES" 1 ;"Froggy is loading": 1 ;"FOR KEYBOARD VERSION PLEASE": 1 ;"Do you want instructions?" 1 ;"======================" 1 ;"====================" 1 ;"==================" 1 ;"================" 1 ;"===============" 1 ;" The object of the game is to guide your frog across the busy main road, avoiding the traffic,then cross the river by jumping onto logs and turtle-backs, in order to reach the safety of thefrog-homes on the opposite bank." 1 ;" Some of the turtles will divebelow the surface occasionally; if your frog is riding on one ofthese, you will lose a life." 1 ;" A bonus life is awarded for each 5000 points scored." 1 ;" A 'baby frog' will appear on one of the logs periodically; ifyou rescue it and carry it to a frog-home, you will earn a bonusof 200 points." 1 ;" When all five frog-homes have a frog in them the screen will be cleared and the game re-started, with increased speedand greater hazards, such as alligators in the river or in the frog-homes, and the snake onthe river bank." 1 ;" There are four screens, eachprogressively increasing in difficulty. If you manage to getbeyond screen four the game willcontinue at screen four level until all lives have been lost. The screen number is displayed at top right of screen next to the frog-homes. Maximum speed isreached on page seven!" 1 ;" Do you want to see the"''" Instructions again?" 1 ** page 4 ** 1 ** page 3 ** 1 ** page 2 ** 1 ** page 1 ** 1 ** key test ** 1 '"THIS VERSION OF 'FROGGY' IS 1 '"THE KEYBOARD VERSION OF 'FROGGY'IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS CASSETTE TAPE AND UTILISES THE CURSOR KEYS AS EXPLAINED IN THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL AT THE START OF THAT SIDE OF THE TAPE." 1 '"IF YOU DO NOT POSSESS A KEMPSTONJOYSTICK, PLEASE 1 ' 'COMPETITION-PRO' JOYSTICK, & 1 "your frog will die." 1 "you jump onto the ripples left " 1 "winding the tape past the first " 1 "will be swept away in the river." 1 "use of every available area of" 1 "the printer with FROGGY loaded." 1 "the instuction section and just " 1 "the 16K Spectrum, we have made" 1 "snake (page 4 on)." 1 "should not cause any problems in" 1 "part and entering : LOAD "; 1 "or jaws of an alligator, whether" 1 "onto the back of an alligator in" 1 "normal operation, unless you use" 1 "memory, including the PRINTER" 1 "load the game, you may do so by" 1 "it is in the river or in a frog-" 1 "ised copies of this program." 1 "in the river, but you will lose" 1 "if you jump onto any part of the" 1 "home. You will also lose a life" 1 "has submerged completely, but if" 1 "diving turtles unless the turtle" 1 "by a submerged turtle, your frog" 1 "a life if you jump onto the head" 1 "It is ILLEGAL to make unauthor-" 1 "Instruct" 1 "In order to squeeze FROGGY into " 1 "If, in future, you wish to skip " 1 "BUFFER locations: however, this" 1 "BONUS LIFE FOR EACH 5000 POINTS" 1 "50 POINTS FOR EACH FROG HOME" 1 "200 POINTS BONUS FOR BABY FROG" 1 "1000 POINTS FOR 5 FROGS HOME" 1 "10 POINTS EACH JUMP UPWARDS" 1 "'time-out' beep will sound, and" 1 " LARGE HOT-RODS LARGE HOT-RODS" 1 " Press any key to continue": 1 " BULLDOZERS VANS" 1 " You can safely jump onto the" 1 " TRUCKS SMALL HOT-RODS" 1 " It is perfectly safe to jump" 1 " If you run out of time, the" 1 " SNAKES ALLIGATORS" 1 " LOGS DIVING TURTLES" 1 " FROGS TURTLES" 1 " REMAINING WHEN PAGE FILLED" 1 " PLUS BONUS OF 10 X SECONDS": 1 " INSTRUCTIONS 3" 1 " ==============" 1 want to see the"''" Instructions again?" 1 cd ef gh ij 1 WITH THE ' 1 THE COMPUTER MOMENTARILY, THEN LOAD THE VERSION ON THE OTHER SIDE OFTHIS CASSETTE TAPE." 1 BE USED." 1 klmn klop